Return & Refund Policy

Should you reconsider your purchase, our 14-day return policy ensures a safe and easy return process. Simply reach out to our dedicated team at for step-by-step guidance. Once you've understood the return procedure, you'll need to arrange a pickup with your courier for the item you wish to return.

Please note, we are unable to accept returns for products that have been specifically customised for you. Additionally, refunds cannot be provided for framed goods damaged during assembly by the customer.

If you decide to reject the order, it's essential that you maintain the condition of the goods until they are returned to us.

You're free to return the product in its original packaging via a courier of your preference under 14-day return policy. Please be aware that the customer is responsible for return shipping costs and any import duties back to the UK.

Upon receipt of the returned products at our warehouse, and after confirming their original condition, a refund will be issued to your original payment method within 5 business days.